
Cash in

Want to know more about Easytransac payments ? Have a look at our online support to find any answer

8 Answers

In what timeframe will I receive my funds?

If your account is validated and you kept the default settings, the average delay to receive your funds is from 3 to 4 business days after the day it was cashed. If you chose a weekly transfer, it will be sent on monday.
If you chose a monthly transfer, it is sent on the first monday of each month.

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How to make a SMS or e-mail payment request?

To make a payment request by SMS or e-mail, two possibilities are available :Set up the payment from your EasyTransac backoffice (on our website)

In the backoffice, go to the « Cash » section.

1.First, fill in the contact information of your client, add a short description of the products or services provided,

2.Add your invoice as an attachment and define your payment settings

3.Finish the process and click on "proceed with payment" to chose the method of payment (SMS ou Email).

Set up the payment on the application

  • 1.Launch your EasyTransac app
  • 2.Fill in an amount
  • 3.Chose your payment settings
  • 4.Select e-mail or SMS
  • 5.Fill the requested information
    • E-mail or SMS depending on your choice
    • Order number
    • Order description
  • 6.Tap on "continue"
  • 7.Your request is sent

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How to make a SEPA Direct debit request ?

To make a SEPA Direct Debit request :

1. In the website backoffice, go to the « Cash » section.

2. Chose the SEPA tab

3. First, fill in your client’s information, add a short descriptive of the products or services provided

4. Define the payment settings and add the invoice as an attachment

Submit the form with the button bottom page.

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What kind of cards are accepted by EasyTransac?

Accepted credit cards
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What options do I have with EasyTransac?

To make the transactions with your clients easier, we set up a lot of options.
Most of these options are available as soon as your account is entirely validated by our teams.

1. Payment in 2, 3 or 4 times with no charge :

Payments in 2 or 3 times with no charge are programmed payments in installments. It is not a credit insured by our services. The merchant will receive the due amounts at the dates scheduled when the payment was programmed.
The merchant must produce a document engaging their customer to make the programmed payments. The merchant is also asked to inform their clients of the amounts and scheduled dates at which they will proceed with the payments.

2. Delayed payment up to 60 days :

EasyTransac allows you to progam delayed payments up to 60 days. Be aware that this option is available only for SMS, e-mail, Messenger or WhatsApp payment requests. When setting up your payment options, select "Payment date". It is up to the merchant to provide a document engaging their customer to make the programmed payment at the requested date.

3. 3DSecure activated on request :

L3DS or 3DSecure is an additional security available mostly for online payments and that allows the client to receive a confirmation code by SMS so that the payment can be blocked if this code is not filled in. 3DS is a security measure that can be requested by the bank at any moment, but when it is not the case, you can activate it yourself in your payment settings to guarantee an additional safety to your client.

4. Products catalogue

The products catalogue allows you to reference all products you can sell in a catalogue, to order them in categories, add price tags and images for each product. This system can calculate quickly a client’s basket to make the payment once the basket is complete. This functionality is available on the mobile app only, once added on your dedicated web account.

5. Demo mode

When you make transactions using the Demo mode, these transations are not real, the amounts are not cashed and the information from the used card are automatically replaced by information from a test card stored in our system.

6. Subscription

This solution is made to program recurring payment requests. To end a subscription, find a previous transactions made by the client, click on the gear icon on the right of the transaction, and click on « cancel recurring payment » on your dedicated web account.

7. Adding an invoice

With EasyTransac, you can send an invoice to your client with your payment request by SMS or e-mail (with the SMS solution, the file has to be downloaded directly on the payment page). To add an invoice to a payment, it’s easy : You have to set-up a payment from your backoffice. Then, click on « Download your invoice ». Finish the operation by drag and drop or clicking on « browse » to select your invoice file. For this functionality, you need to use PDF files. This functionality is only available on your dedicated web account.

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Mobile app : How to make a contactless payment or a flash payment?

EasyTransac is firstly an application that allows you to cash in credit cards easily and safely with your smartphone.

So, how do you cash in a credit card with EasyTransac ?
First, you must make sure that you have an EasyTransac at the Basic or Standard level, that the EasyTransac application is installed on your smartphone and have a stable internet connection (at least Edge).

Once the application is installed, launch it and login with your account. Fill in an amount in the dedicated space at the top of the homepage.

Chose your method of cashing and the payment options that fit your needs.

Capture the card by flash or contactless.

Once the card is captured, ask tour client to fill in their cryptogram on your smartphone.

Get your client’s e-mail address or phone number so that we can send them their payment receipt (be careful, a receipt is not a bill, you have to provide a proper document attesting the purchase to your client.). Then, confirm the payment

Example of a receipt sent by text

Example of a receipt sent by e-mail

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What are the conditions to cash in with EasyTransac?

To cash with EasyTransac, you need to have a fully completed and validated EasyTransac account. You can start cashing before you send us the required documents, but the funds can not be transferred to your bank account until we have all the documents and all the information. If you want to cash with our application, you also need to have a compatible smartphone and an internet connection.

We support at least Android version 4.4 or higher and iOS version 10 and higher.

If you want to make distant payment requests, you just have to login to your backoffice from any computer with an internet connection.

If you want to take payments from a website for an e-commerce activity, please refer to the dedicated section.

What are the requirements to use the e-commerce solutions?

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What does « lw easytransac » mean ?

Ever noticed a mention « lw easytransac » on your bank account ? No worries !

You probably bought something from a merchant using our solutions.

Easytransac turns your smartphone into a POS terminal. Simple, secured and economic, discover the application that allows you to accept credit cards. Our modules are directly integrated on your merchant's website. Thanks to our application, your merchant is able to cash in credit cards easily. Your purchase will be named « lw easytransac » on your bank account.

« lw easytransac » simply means your merchant uses our solution to sell on his website or with his smartphone.

Do you want to know the origin of a transaction? Use this form : find a payment.

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